Many people may think that external skin care is not that important when compared to internal body care. However, if we neglect and do not take care of our skin for a long time. It can lead to accumulated skin problems.

Some people may not know that their daily routine can damage their beautiful skin. Especially the environment and pollution that we encounter from the moment we leave the house until we return. But in reality, the main causes come from our own behavior.
We would like all GoodLifeUpDate girls to join in preventing and stopping behaviors that harm their beautiful skin. Let’s listen to what we do without realizing it.
Drink less water or drink only sweet drinks
Believe it or not, the habit of drinking less water. Or being addicted to drinking sweet drinks of many people has a great effect on the condition of our beautiful skin. Because sugar is easily absorbed, the body needs sugar all the time. Causing the formation of free radicals , which is the cause of wrinkles, freckles, and dark spots.
Drinking only a small amount of water per day can cause dry skin because the skin lacks moisture. Some people may also experience a dry mouth and throat. Therefore, the body should receive just the right amount of water. And the right amount for the activities done each day. If there is too much or too little, it can be dangerous to the body.
Staying in cold weather for a long time
Cold weather or low humidity is an external factor that can cause various skin problems. Especially for women who have to sit and work in air-conditioned rooms all day. Or women who are hot and like to be in cold weather. This can also contribute to dry skin because moisture is drawn from the skin.
Therefore, you should let your body stay in a place with a normal temperature for a while to maintain the moisture of your skin. Or if you have to live in an air-conditioned room for a long time. You should find something to increase the humidity, such as small plants or adjust the air conditioner temperature higher.
Does not protect the skin when exposed to strong sunlight
It is well known that sunlight is the main factor that has a very serious effect on human skin. Because sunlight contains UVA and UVB rays, if the skin care is exposed to both types of rays for a long time, it can cause the skin to be unhealthy, premature aging, and in the end, it may be severe enough to cause skin cancer.
Taking a shower that is too hot
Some books may say that taking a warm bath before going to bed can help you relax and help you sleep better. But if you look at it from another angle, taking a warm bath frequently can also be a major enemy for your skin. This is because the hot water temperature causes the skin to lose its oils, which results in the skin lacking moisture and becoming dry and tight.
Therefore, there is another way that can help you sleep well effectively, which is to drink warm drinks before going to bed, such as herbal tea or flower tea. In addition, regularly nourishing the skin with moisturizer after taking a shower in the morning and evening can also help restore moisture to the skin.